As described in the Scrum Guide, the purpose of the Sprint Review is to inspect the outcome of the Sprint and determine future adaptations. The Team presents the results of their work to key stakeholders and progress toward the Product Goal is discussed.

During the event, the Scrum Team and stakeholders review what was accomplished in the Sprint and what has changed in their environment. Based on this information, attendees collaborate on what to do next. The Product Backlog may also be adjusted to meet new opportunities. The Sprint Review is a working session and the Scrum Team should avoid limiting it to a presentation.

The result of the Sprint Review is a revised Product Backlog that defines the probable Product Backlog items for the next Sprint.


Dev team, PO, stakeholders mandatory


1 hour for 1 team or more where multiple teams are combined


  • Welcome and short introductions – 5 mins
  • List of stories/bugs that are Done and will or won’t be demo’d – 2 mins
  • The Dev Team demonstrates the work that it has “Done” and answers questions – 4 mins each
  • Review product and team metrics/dashboards – 5 mins
  • Review of how the timeline, budget, potential capabilities, marketplace or potential use of the product might have changed what is the most valuable thing to do next – 5 mins
  • The entire group collaborates on what to do next, so that the Sprint Review provides valuable input to subsequent work – 5 mins